Hi, Friends today we are sharing with you one of the emerging technology for the cross-platform mobile apps.

Most of the web developer who wants to make mobile app use PhoneGap. According to my experience, there is huge Performance Gap between native apps and PhoneGap apps.

Calling from Gmail is now more accessible and available to more user with this new update from Google. You don't need to use hack such as using US proxy for Calling from Outside to US. Google now offers this services to many people outside the US who use Gmail by offering calling in 38 languages.

After the beta release of Mozilla Firefox 5, Microsoft is rolling out the Platform Preview of Internet Explorer10.

According to Microsoft, IE9 was built from ground up for HTML5.

Facebook is now becomes part of our Daily life. Facebook is leaving behind Google as "Most Visited Site on Internet". The Social Networking Features and a Large user base provided by the Facebook makes it as best Social Networking Internet Application of the Globe.

Recently, I have found a new website that helps the parents in learning computer basics, that are not very much familiar to the computer. Site is developed by forks at Google. Inteface of website is very friendly. Basically through this site you can send unlimited

Friends, Red Hat has announced the availability of Red Hat Enterprise 6 beta, the next generation of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform.Main Updates are the core technology, from the kernel to the main application infrastructure.Main Advantage of This release is that it supports for various hardware platform as well as various Softwares are supported .

Hi Friends, today my focus is on providing best information for choosing best Linux Distro. There are many Linux Distribution, but it is very difficult to declare which distribution is best. There are many types of Linux Distro, here is the list of various types of Linux Distro. 1. Best Linux Desktop Distribution 2. Best Linux Laptop Distribution 3. Best Linux Server Distrubution 4. Best Linux Multimedia Distribution

I have found a new site named as 101Freetechbook.com on internet. This site is dedicated to provide 101 free books in 1 month to needy people.This is great site, because i love study.

Peoples that are interested in books must goto that site.

Hello Friends, today my post is on latest site of Turban. TurbanMasters is the site that i have found on Internet, it is  the site dedicated to propagation of Turban. Basically it is the group of seven students originated at Guru Nanak Dev Polytechnic Ludhiana. Turban is the crown for a Sikh.

Google Instant

Google Instant is a new search facility provided by Google, that actually allows you to view the result for your query when you are typing in search bar.Results for queries are shown in 300 milliseconds between keystrokes you typed.This feature of Google provide better search experie
