SteroidsJS for Mobile Apps
SteroidsJS for Mobile Apps
Calling from Gmail now arrived to India
Calling from Gmail is now more accessible and available to more user with this new update from Google. You don't need to use hack such as using US proxy for Calling from Outside to US. Google now offers this services to many people outside the US who use Gmail by offering calling in 38 languages.
Internet Explorer 10 is on its way.
Internet Explorer 10 is on its way.
Browser for Facebook
A Site for Parents for Learning Computer
Recently, I have found a new website that helps the parents in learning computer basics, that are not very much familiar to the computer. Site is developed by forks at Google. Inteface of website is very friendly. Basically through this site you can send unlimited
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Beta is now available
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Beta is now available
Friends, Red Hat has announced the availability of Red Hat Enterprise 6 beta, the next generation of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform.Main Updates are the core technology, from the kernel to the main application infrastructure.Main Advantage of This release is that it supports for various hardware platform as well as various Softwares are supported .
Best Linux Distros
Best Linux Distros
Hi Friends, today my focus is on providing best information for choosing best Linux Distro. There are many Linux Distribution, but it is very difficult to declare which distribution is best. There are many types of Linux Distro, here is the list of various types of Linux Distro. 1. Best Linux Desktop Distribution 2. Best Linux Laptop Distribution 3. Best Linux Server Distrubution 4. Best Linux Multimedia Distribution
101 Free Tech Books -
101 Free Tech Books -
Google Instant
Google Instant
Gmail 's Priority Inbox
Gmail 's Priority Inbox
Phone Calls inside from Gmail.
Phone Calls inside from Gmail.
Various Portable Server Bundles.
Various Portable Server Bundles.
Blogger’s 11th Birthday Party
Blogger’s 11th Birthday Party
This is the 11 birthday party of blogger. Blogger has hosted a global birthday party. Blogger has set up the date of 31 August ,You set the parties and Meetup Everywhere will help facilitate (free of charge!). Through the wonder of Meetup Everywhere, you’ll be able to find other bloggers in your area and either join a celebration that has already been set up or start a new party local to you. The goal is to get together in-person, chat about blogging and celebrate with friends you may have otherwise only met online. Meetups can be simple, and no party is too small. Plus, we’ll be supplying each party with a download-able pack of party supplies, including makings for party hats, name tags and signs. And who knows, there may even be other treasures and surprises in store.
How to make your own Encryption and Decryption Program in C++
How to make your own Encryption and Decryption Program in C++
It is easy to make your own Encryption and Decryption program in C++. Here is very simple coding of program. 1.Encryption Program #include #include #include #include
7 Sins of Windows
7 Sins of Windows
The new version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, Windows 7, has the same problem that Vista, XP, and all previous versions have had -- it's proprietary software. Users are not permitted to share or modify the Windows software, or examine how it works inside. The fact that Windows 7 is proprietary means that Microsoft asserts legal control over its users through a combination of copyrights, contracts, and patents. Microsoft uses this power to abuse computer users. At, the Free Software Foundation lists seven examples of abuse committed by Microsoft.
How to make MD5 Hash Calculator in PHP
How to make MD5 Hash Calculator in PHP
This is a very simple php code for an MD5 calculator.There are two pages, index.htm and md5.php The index.htm page contains a simple form to submit the text to be hashed. The md5.php page displays the md5 hash result.
Open Source Alternatives to Proprietary Softwares
Open Source Alternatives to Proprietary Softwares
KompoZer Web Authoring tool
KompoZer Web Authoring tool
Hide your files in jpeg File without any Software
Hide your files in jpeg File without any Software
How to beat keylogger
How to beat keylogger
Virus writers charged with copyright violation
Virus writers charged with copyright violation
Using Open Source Packages for PHP web development.
Using Open Source Packages for PHP web development.